I know for a fact that I’ve intentionally practiced being positive since 2009 (do not get intentionally mixed up with consistently), but I’m determined now more than ever to make a habit of speaking and thinking positively. This morning as I was watching television I felt like The Lord led me to begin a 30 Days of Positive Thinking Challenge. Paula White states, “Proverbs 18:21 reveals that death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Job 22:28 says we can decree a thing and it will be established unto us and the light shall shine upon our way.” If God can speak to a situation and tell the storm, “Peace Be Still”, then so can I since He did say that I was created in His image (Genesis 1:27). We have not experienced what God want us to experience because we have not used the power and the authority He has given us through our words. Today I accept the challenge to live the life God wants me to live. I will no longer allow dead things to live in my life and things that should live to die in my life. Today two scriptures that I am declaring and decreeing over my life is Jeremiah 1:5 and 1:9-10. Are you up for the challenge? What scriptures do you speak over your life?
Hi, I just stumbled across your blog. I think the 30 day challenge is a great idea. I'm not sure if I would get through all 30 days, but it's something that I would like to work towards in the future. Thanks for the inspiration. I'll check out the verses in Jeremiah today.
Hello Dee D…I'm so glad you stumbled across the blog. I've been actually using my Facebook page to post most of my daily inspirations because I couldn't quite figure out how to reach more people with my blog. If you are interested in following me just let me know and I will accept your friend request. Your comment really confirmed some things I've been seeking God on. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment.