I thought I was the one losing until I remembered…
The thought above came to me a few mornings ago while I was up reflecting and praying about my day. I started reflecting on the things that contributed to me feeling like a loser, and the Lord immediately replaced those thoughts with truth.
One of my anthems/declarations lately has been “It Keeps Happening” by Kierra Sheard. In the song she shared her testimony of how things kept happening for her. God was connecting her with the right people, in the right places, at the right time. She was seeing God connect her with her purpose in the physical and spiritual realm.
A lot of times we find it hard to recognize that new thing God promised He is doing in us in Isaiah 43:19 because life’s transitions often leave us feeling left out, doubtful, and unduly defeated. We can’t see the open doors around us because we’re so focused on the sound of the last door slamming in our face.
That’s why it’s so important to renew our minds daily by thinking on Philippians 4:8 thoughts: “…Whatsoever things are TRUE, HONEST, JUST, PURE, LOVELY, of GOOD REPORT – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”
So, I did just that and listened to the truths God spoke to me in that moment.

I thought I was the one losing until I remembered…
- I’m living without guilt
- I do right by people
- The people who did me wrong are still doing others wrong, but that’s none of my business.
- I have a sound mind
- I don’t have to wonder anymore
- I feel more loved than I’ve ever felt before
- I am faithful
- I’m reaping what I sow and it shows daily
- I have beauty for ashes
- I have unspeakable joy
- I am brave and powerful
- I am whole, complete, and lacking nothing
- The enemy tries so hard because he knows my faith is solid
- Each and every challenge I face is making me stronger and wiser
- The investments I made will yield good results
- “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness…”
- I have more working for me than against me
He went on to remind me that the foundation matters. I am a wise woman and I have built my life on a firm foundation. No matter what storm comes, my foundation will remain in tact because it was built on THE ROCK, not lies and deceit.

I thought I was the one losing until I remembered…
I’m a King’s kid and He works all things together for my good. He has already made me victorious; therefore, I’m always a winner. With God, we always win y’all!!
The end…point blank PERIOD!!!
Now, just like I did, I need for you to claim your winners status and walk in victory my dear!!
Sis, God’s got us. Keep following after Him and doing the righteous thing because only what we do for Christ will last.
Below is the video of the song, “It Keeps Happening”, that I referenced earlier in the post. I hope it speaks to and encourage you the way it encouraged me.
In His love and mine,